Archive for August, 2009



These days

Thursday, August 27th, 2009

Well, it’s been a crazy weekend. Here in Edinbugrh is full of people from all over the world and all the clubs are packed (they are full usually, but now its even more). This weekend I’ve spent around £100 for night life 😀

It’s crazy!

Next week, we are starting studies again (ready for the sedond year 😉

I am just comming back from work and I have to go to a few places now..

BTW when you got an Ajax web application which is sending requests every 10 seconds and at the same time you are streaming radio online from LA, USA while the webserver is based in London.. the radio starts spliting (the broadband in the UK is very SLOW!

New website..

Thursday, August 20th, 2009

Web Activations has just finished working on the Weddings design company Designed Occasions website:

Have a look at

One year in UK..

Thursday, August 13th, 2009

Today, officialy it’s been a year since I came to Scotland.
I must say that I love it, I have had lots of fun, I’ve met so much new people and made many friends.
For me, it’s not just going somewhere randomly… This is leaving home and starting an new, independent life.
Now I got everything that I need and I am happy.
But the biggest challange is, to keep all these things and keep on growing…

Monday, August 10th, 2009

“Can you find all that you stand for
has been replaced with mountains of gold.”


If you don’t know how the web works, I’ll let tell you this:
1. It doesn’t matter how a website works
2. It doesn’t matter how a website looks
3. It doesn’t matter what a website offers


The only thing that matters is that the website makes money…..


Unfortunetly, not we (IWA/W3C) rule the web. The whole web is owned by Google. They say what’s wrong and right..
But what they consider as “right” is wrong. It’s bad for all the internet users out there and for the way they use the web.


Have a look at the Google web access recommeditions:

IIS asks for authentication when it shouldn’t

Saturday, August 8th, 2009

I bet that you had this case at least once. You upload a website to IIS and when somebody tryes to open the website they are asked for authentication when they shouldn’t. The reason for this is simple: you have a problem with the file/folder permissions. Check them and make sure that IIS has access to them.

This can occur on Apache as well. In this case, the users will see a massage ‘You don’t have permission to access / on this server.’ (They won’t be asked for a password). In this case, Apache doesn’t have access to the folder or you have selected an impossible to use for www-root folder. The best think to do is check the error log.

Windows 7 is out

Tuesday, August 4th, 2009

The next operating system from Microsoft – widnows 7 is now ready. Vita’s succesor is now ready for manufacturing (RTM). It will not be available for the general public untill October this year.
I have been beta testing nearly every release by now, and since the first one I have a very good impression about the OS.
I find it much faster and better than Vista. However, I must say that some of the annoing useless staff which vista has is still here.