Archive for February, 2009



Editing the wordpress template

Sunday, February 22nd, 2009

I am currently playing around with the wordpress template of this blog.
Unfortunately, the only time I have time for my website and othe stuff is Sunday. The other days I am sooooo busy, that you can’t imagine 🙂

Web 2.0

Monday, February 9th, 2009

All these years, we the people are trying to create an super high technology – artificial intelligence (AI).
What comes to your mind when you hear the words “artificial intelligence” ? Some kind of supercomputer? You might be right, but I disagree with this..

Professor Wesch video “WEB 2.0 The machine is Us/ing Us”
There is an other thing which we “teach” everyday how to make decisions alone – this is the web.

Website works

Monday, February 9th, 2009

This website has recently migrated to the latest version of wordpress. I also have installed it on my server.
Now I can easly write posts in here like I used to do before but unfortunetly, I currently don’t have any time to write what else is going on with me now.